Aubrac cow

Aubrac cow


This cow is typical to mountain regions of Southern France. It is recognizable by its tan color and its eyes circled in white. This breed is rather rare and only used for beef now. Their meat can be found in restaurants as far as Paris.


Country: France


Other info

Views: 1721

Copyright: Olivier Ffrench

Creative Commons License Aubrac cow by Olivier Ffrench is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

It can be used for non-commercial purposes with the following text and link:
Photo from: <a href="">France in Photos</a>

Image Info

Camera Maker:Canon
Camera Model:Canon EOS 5D
Original Time Taken:08/06/2009
Shutter Speed:1/640 sec
ISO Sensitivity:200
Focal Length:200 mm
Lens Info:EF70-200mm f/4L USM