This gallery countains photos taken during some of our visits in Brittany. We have been several times, visiting Finistère, Morbihan and paying a short visit to Nantes.
The photos displayed in this gallery were taken during three separate trips. The first one was in May 2001 in the Gulf of Morbihan. We had rent a house in the small village of le Guern and visited places all around the Morbihan Gulf and beyond, to the Quiberon peninsula and the Carnac area.
More recent photos, dating from May 2006 are being added. Once again, we rent a small house, this time near Chateaulin and visited Finistère, where we had already been years ago. All of these newer photos were taken in digital whereas the older ones are scanned slides.
The Nantes photos were taken on a two day visit in September 2006.
We are still planning to return to Brittany as we are far from having seen all what we wanted!

Nantes is part of historical Brittany, though some bretons do not consider it is in it. The town is set at the very end of the Loire river. Its name derives from a celtic tribe, the Namnetes. In the...

Cornouaille is the westernmost part of Brittany, roughly equivalent to the Finistère département. The name of this province of Brittany is similar to the British Cornwall area. It is the area with...

Pays de Vannes (Morbihan)
Pays de Vannes is one of the former 9 provinces of Britanny. Its name in Breton is Bro Wened. It extends on both sides of the gulf of Morbihan in southern Brittany. The whole area has a warmer...

Pays de Saint Malo
When we first visited Brittany, we were focused on the West and South of the region: Finistère and Morbiahn. But the North East also has lots to offer. The Pays de Saint Malo is one of the 9...

Named Bro-Dreger in breton language, Trégor is one of the 9 former provinces of Brittany. It is located in the middle of its...