Incoming downpour

Incoming downpour


As we were nearing one of the great Champagne lakes, the sky turned a nasty grey. This looked very good with the low light of November and the very nice color of the trees, hence this photo. But it meant that we had to stay in our car battered by heavy rains for long minutes before being able to reach the lake shore through the forest.


Country: France


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Views: 1573

Copyright: Olivier Ffrench

Creative Commons License Incoming downpour by Olivier Ffrench is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

It can be used for non-commercial purposes with the following text and link:
Photo from: <a href="">France in Photos</a>

Image Info

Camera Maker:Canon
Camera Model:Canon EOS 10D
Original Time Taken:10/30/2007
Shutter Speed:1/125 sec
ISO Sensitivity:100
Focal Length:38 mm
Lens Info:17.0-40.0 mm