The collegiale Saint Martin of Champeaux

The collegiale Saint Martin of Champeaux


A remarquable church in a rather unremarquable village. The Collegiale Saint Martin de Champeaux has a high bell tower that can be seen from far as the village is surrounded by plains. Its construction started in the 12th century, but it was only completed in the early 14th century, so it is a mix of different styles. The church is larger that it seems at first glance and has interesting features such as sculpted stalls, well preserved tomb stones and 15th century stained glass windows.

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Image Info

Camera Maker:Canon
Camera Model:Canon EOS 10D
Original Time Taken:08/13/2005
Shutter Speed:1/250 sec
ISO Sensitivity:100
Focal Length:19 mm
35mm Focal Length Equivalent:30