Creative Commons License

The photos displayed on this website are under a Creative Commons License. You are free to copy, distribute and display them, under the following conditions:


You must attribute the work to its author. This should be done by indicating the author's name alongside the photograph. Additionally, mention of the France in Photos website and its URL is compulsory. For online uses, you should include the following code in the page where the photos are displayed:
picture from France in Photos

Non-commercial use only

Only non-commercial uses are free. For commercial uses, please refer to the other pages of this section. Using photos on a website that is promoting a product, service or selling advertising space is considered as commercial use. Using it on a charity website is not.

No derivative Works

You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.

Read the license.

Limited to photos present on this website

The Creative commons license is only applicable to photos found on this website. We will not send additional files for use with this license.